Alap Construcation
About Alap Construcation
Promoters of this company Sandip K. Sheth started its activities in construction in October 1986 after completing his Construction Engineering from CEPT. During his early time, he worked in civil construction. During his tenure of more than one decade, he executed very prestigious Industrial and Institutional jobs. He came out with a special theme to provide the infrastructure to the people of North Gujarat by providing a special kind of housing as well as commercial facilities with a special touch to all walks of people who desire to keep their lifestyles in tune with the time.
In the late 90’s having a team of full-fledged qualified engineers, and financial and legal advisors headed by its management team of senior most, well visionary, well experienced civil engineer Shri. K.P. Sheth father of Shri. Sandip K. Sheth In their august leadership company has come out with so many prestigious Residential and Commercial projects in Mehsana city.Operating Since
Alap Construction Prt. Ltd. G-3, Indraprasths Flats, Jail Road, Nr. Gurudwara, Mehsana – 384002, North Gujarat, IndiaOn Map
Operating Areas/Cities
Active Projects
Alap Aikyam
by Alap Construcation
3 BHK Flat
Price On Request