D & C Developers
About D & C Developers
Driven by Excellence, Innovation & Philanthropic Activities, Deval and D & C Group have become a name to reckon with in field of Real Estate; a name that has become Synonymous with Quality, Elegance & Customer Relations & have successfully diversified its Business Interest in field of Hospitality & Agriculture also.
That’s how Deval Bharatbhai Patel likes to believe about himself and all his endeavors.
Carrying forward the legendary legacy of Bharatbhai Shakrabhai Patel and having over a decade of experience in Real Estate, Deval B Patel, has successfully carved a unique space for himself in Real Estate Industry through his extraordinary zeal and dedication for delivering quality living & commercial spaces in Ahmedabad.Location
5th Floor, Kairos, Opp Mahatma Gandhi Labor Institute,
Near Manav Mandir, Drive -In Road, Gurukul,
Ahmedabad – 380052, Gujarat (India)On Map
Active Projects
Apricity Bungalows
by D & C Developers
5 BHK Bunglow
₹5.51 Cr